what are the seven subversive currents

Yet, critics often point to the arrests and harassment of human rights lawyers in China as examples that the rule of law in China has actually regressed under Xis leadership. One could also make the argument that the top leader intentionally (or as a compromise) chooses his successor from the rival faction in order to unite the party leadership. Wang most recently served as secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (201217). 9, that bears the unmistakable imprimatur of Xi Jinping, China's new top leader. How the relationship between these two strongmen in China, Xi and Wang, will unfold in the years to come remains to be seen. But Mr. Xi and his colleagues were victims of expectations that they themselves encouraged, rather than a foreign conspiracy, analysts said. An internal notice published in 2013 by the party's central committee- the famous "Document 9" included "the Western idea of journalism" among the "seven subversive currents" along with the promotion of constitutional democracy, the universal value of human rights, participation in social life, neo-liberalism, historical nihilism, and the . Another proposed change would enshrine Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era in the constitutions preamble, following Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, and Deng Xiaoping Theory. Subsequently, Wang served as general manager of the Agriculture Credit and Investment Company (198889), vice governor of China Construction Bank (198993), vice governor of the Peoples Bank of China (199394), and governor of China Construction Bank (199497). However, Wang has ostensibly also made many political enemies. There is a bipartisan consensus on the fact that China poses a broad challenge to the United States across multiple domains. Her father was a factory worker. Their political connection likely began or was consolidated during her studies at the Central Party School in the early 1990s, when Hu served as president of the school2. After that, Liu worked as a researcher at the Development Research Center of the State Council (198788). Constitutionalism is a weapon for information and psychological warfare used by the magnates of American monopoly capitalism and their proxies in China to subvert Chinas socialist system, said another commentary in the paper. Beginning with the Trump administrations first national defense strategy, the United States has begun painting China as a strategic competitor that is pursuing an authoritarian advance under Xi Jinping. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. Li joined the CCP in 1976. Like her mentor Hu Jintao, Sun is known for her keen interest in promoting a harmonious society, supporting policy initiatives for affordable housing, social welfare for low-income families, and poverty reduction. Some of this cognitive dissonance may be temporary compromises as Xi positions himself to gain broad support from various forces in the country. She was head of the Womens Association of Anshan City (198891), deputy head of the Workers Union of Liaoning Province (199193), head of the Womens Association of Liaoning (199394), head of the Workers Union of Liaoning (199497), and deputy party secretary of Liaoning (19972005). Their perceptions of Xi as a Mao- like figure . 2, Wall Street Journal, December 20, 2013. 9, that bears the unmistakable imprimatur of Xi Jinping, Chinas new top leader. Having been nominated by Hu, Li was promoted to alternate member of the CCYL Secretariat three months later. His ancestral home is Changli County, Hebei Province. Anyone can read what you share. The government blamed a subversive organization for the riots. He served as vice-minister and deputy party secretary of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) (201318). Li advanced his early career primarily through the Chinese Communist Youth League (CCYL), serving as secretary of the CCYL Committee at Peking University (198283). Liberal intellectuals will be among the first to push back and shape the public discourse. He and his wife were married in Tibet and have one daughter. She also served as party secretary of Dalian, Liaoning (200105), and as first secretary of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU) (200509). In a disappointing turn for those who have upheld more optimistic prognoses for Xiand for Chinahe opted to revert the country back to the era of strongman politics and the personality cult. If these four leaders are excluded, 85 percent would be newcomers. Rip currents often occur in deeper channels, between areas of breaking waves, and can flow at speeds up to 2 m/s. Conclusion. Li Keqiang worked closely with Hu, assisting him in convening the Sixth National Conference of the All-China Youth Federation in August 1983. In July 2001, Hu returned to Tibet, where he served as secretary-general (chief of staff) of the CCP Committee of Tibet (200103) and deputy party secretary and executive vice-governor of Tibet (200306). For more information about Li Keqiangs family background and his early experiences, see Hong Qing , He will be Chinas Top Manager: The Biography of Li Keqiang [] (New York: Mirror Books, 2010). As the son-in-law of Yao Yilin, a former Politburo Standing Committee member and vice premier, Wang is considered a princeling. His ex-wife, Ke Lingling, is the daughter of Ke Hua, former PRC ambassador to the United Kingdom, where Ke Lingling now lives. Sun is the only woman leader whose age allowed her to stay on the Politburo for another term, through the 19th Party Congress. Xi was in charge of preparations for both the2008 Summer Olympicsin Beijing and the 2009celebrations commemorating the sixtieth anniversary of the founding of the PRC. However, several Chinese sources reveal that Wang and Xi became close friends over forty years ago, when both were sent-down youths in two neighboring counties in Yanan.3, Wang Qishan is viewed by the Chinese public as capable in crisis situations. The. The campaign carries some risks for Mr. Xi, who has indicated that the slowing economy needs new, more market-driven momentum that can come only from a relaxation of state influence. Head of the Financial Stability and Development Committee of the State Council (2018present), Head of the Air Traffic Control Committee of the State Council and the Central Military Commission (2018present), Head of the Production Safety Committee of the State Council (2018present), Head of the Leading Group for Building an Advanced Manufacturing Industry (2018present), Head of the Leading Group for the Promotion of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises of the State Council (2018present), Director of the General Office of the Central Leading Group for Financial and Economic Work of the CCP Central Committee (2013present), Vice Minister and Deputy Party Secretary of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) (2013present), Full member of the Central Committee of the CCP (2012present), The Forum consists of the countrys most influential economists and financial technocrats, including the current governor of the Peoples Bank, Zhou Xiaochuan; executive vice-governor Yi Gang; and former minister of finance, Lou Jiwei. Deep-ocean currents transport a volume of water equal to that of 100 Amazon-size rivers. In fact, Xi attended the Bayi School and Beijing No. For more information on Xis family background and his early life experiences, see Liang Jian , New Biography of Xi Jinping [] (New York: Mirror Books, 2012), and Wu Ming , Biography of Xi Jinping [] (Hong Kong: , 2008). Mr. Xi will face another ideological test later in the year when the Communist Party celebrates the 120th anniversary of Maos birth. No further information is available on Suns family. Li began working in the CCYL Central Committee at the end of 1982, precisely when Hu Jintao became secretary of the CCYL. Even these relatively measured campaigns proved too much for party leaders, who are wary of any challenges that could swell into outright opposition. Some analystsincluding usnaively hoped that Xi wanted more time to train, groom, and test a potential successor before identifying the candidate. He served as party secretary of Guangdong (201217). United States, Russian subversive tools appear to be limited to information, cyber, and political ones. Disaster City Revisit ~ BBC Spots Training Hub; Sea Level Rise Explorer ~ Map of Coastal Risk These seven perils were enumerated in a memo, referred to as Document No. She was a visiting scholar at Brown University in the mid-1990s. Hu Deping, a reform-minded former government official who has met Mr. Xi, recently issued a public warning about the leftward drift. During these visits, Xi affirmed the good work carried out under Hu Chunhuas leadership, especially in the areas of supply-side economic reform, technological innovation, and social stability4. Even as Mr. Xi has sought to prepare some reforms to expose Chinas economy to stronger market forces, he has undertaken a mass line campaign to enforce party authority that goes beyond the partys periodic calls for discipline. See more. He also served as deputy head of the 2010 Shanghai World Expo Organizing Committee and head of the Executive Committee (200411). Further, Xis work report at the 19th Party Congress established the Central Leading Group of Rule of Law in the party and a constitutional review system in the state. It is likely that their friendship developed through growing up together in the same neighborhood. After that, Hu served as governor and deputy party secretary of Hebei Province (200809). Second, her low-profile personality and her demonstrated tenacity and political acumen, most notable in removing Bo Xilais protgs in Dalian even before Bos downfall, are indicative of her potential for leadership and political nerve. Liu served as deputy director of the Central Leading Group for Financial and Economic Work, where he was responsible for overseeing macro-economic policy-planning and drafting speeches for CCP General Secretary Hu Jintao to deliver at annual CCP national conferences on economic affairs (200311). Lis wife, Cheng Hong, is currently a professor of English language and literature at Capital University of Economics and Business in Beijing. He served as deputy secretary (198792) and secretary (199295) of the CCYL in Tibet. Peng is a famous Chinese folksinger who, until recently, served in the Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) at the rank of major general. As Liu He articulated at the Davos World Economic Forum in 2018, active participation in economic globalization and the deepening of Chinas economic reform and openness have remained central to the countrys long-standing economic outlook. Mr. Xis hard line has disappointed Chinese liberals, some of whom once hailed his rise to power as an opportunity to push for political change after a long period of stagnation. 9 was mentioned; it enumerates the 'Seven Perils'. These seven perils were enumerated in a memo, referred to as Document No. The citizen-activists demanding that party officials reveal their family wealth cited Mr. Xis own vows to end official corruption and deliver more candid government. At a time when Xi enjoys tremendous individual power, Li can potentially be viewed as a balancing forcethough not an impressive one thus farwithin the political establishment. She received her undergraduate degree in English at the PLA Foreign Language Institute in Luoyang and her doctoral degree in literature at the Chinese Academy of Social Science. 9, issued in 2013 soon after Xi Jinping became party chief, warned that unless the party eradicates seven subversive currents such as support for Western . Deep-ocean currents are initiated near Antarctica and in the North Atlantic Ocean, where cold, dense water sinks. This policy has been credited with Chinas technological development over the past few years, as evidenced by the vitality of Chinas e-commerce and e-payment systems. Instead, Mr. Xi has signaled a shift to a more conservative, traditional leftist stance with his rectification campaign to ensure discipline and conspicuous attempts to defend the legacy of Mao Zedong. Jeremy Page, Bob Davis, and Lingling Wei, Xi Weakens Role of Beijings No. Xi said, This is Liu He. Theres no doubt then it had direct endorsement from Xi Jinping, Mr. Li said. They have been disillusioned by Xi's leadership ever since 2013, when authorities began cracking down on open discussion of "seven subversive currents," including constitutional democracy . 101 School in the same district. In other words, the party boss selects a team of rivals () in order to consolidate power.3. Liu began his career as a sent-down youth at an agricultural commune in Jilin Province (196970)2. Unsurprisingly, when Xi Jinping became general secretary of the party, he promoted Liu He to vice-minister of the NDRC and office director of the Central Leading Group for Financial and Economic Work, in which capacity he serves as Xis chief economic strategist. Cut off or cover the logos on your bag, shoes, clothes, repurpose a product and name it after yourself. the author's subversive attitude . His attitude toward public intellectuals has proven similarly ambivalent. Hu Chunhua was selected as a Politburo member in 2012 and is considered a front-runner of the so-called sixth generation leadership. Mandy Zuo, Partys number two woman Sun Chunlan named chief of Tianjin, South China Morning Post, November 22, 2012, (, Deputy Head of the Central Leading Group for Belt and Road Initiative Construction (2018present), Full member of the Central Committee of the CCP (2007present). On other policy issues, however, Xi has exhibited paradoxical preferences and tendencies. Three years later, in 2000, he was appointed director of the State Council General Office of Economic Reform. Hu Chunhua was born into a family of very humble means. He then served as deputy director of the Research Office and then deputy director of the Industrial Policy and Long-term Planning Department in the State Planning Commission (198898). Now the leftists feel very excited and elated, while the liberals feel very discouraged and discontented, said Professor Xiao, who said he was generally sympathetic to Mr. Xis aims. Han has been widely recognized as a member of the Jiang Zemin-Zeng Qinghong Shanghai Gang. Although Han served as a top CCYL official in Shanghai, his promotions have been more closely aligned with Jiangs Shanghai Gang than with the Hu Jintao-Li Keqiang CCYL faction3. He served as party secretary of a production brigade in the county (197678). A government memo from April identified seven "subversive currents" that are not to be spoken of, including "universal values" like human rights, press freedom, judicial independence, economic neoliberalism, and historic mistakes of the Communist Party. This refers to the pattern whereby Deng designated Hu Jintao, Jiang Zemin designated Xi Jinping, and Hu Jintao designated Hu Chunhua to be the top leaders of the succeeding generations2. Russia's Cold War subversive activities focused on so-called "active measures" - attempts to influence debate often delivered via "agents of influence", including politicians and journalists. Therefore, Chinese public expectations in the lead-up to the 19th Party Congress were that Hu Chunhua would ascend to the 19th Politburo Standing Committee, which presented a serious challenge for Xi. Han was then made secretary of the CCYL committee of the Chemical Industry Bureau of the Shanghai Municipal Government (198286), deputy party secretary of the Shanghai School of Chemical Engineering (198687), party secretary and deputy director of Shanghai No. Xi received his undergraduate education in chemical engineering from Tsinghua University in Beijing (197579) and later graduated with a doctoral degree in law (Marxism) from the Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences at Tsinghua University (via part-time studies, 19982002). He was later appointed deputy party secretary and head of the Luwan District in Shanghai (199295) and was eventually promoted to deputy secretary-general (chief of staff) of the Shanghai municipal government, in addition to director of the City Planning Commission and director of the Securities Management Office (199597). The internal warnings to cadres show that Mr. Xis confident public face has been accompanied by fears that the party is vulnerable to an economic slowdown, public anger about corruption and challenges from liberals impatient for political change. Cognitive Perspective. Deep-ocean currents contain water with high oxygen concentrations. He is very important to me. Quoted from Bob Davis, Meeting Liu He, Xi Jinpings Choice to Fix a Faltering Chinese Economy, Wall Street Journal, October 6, 2013. You might want to call someone subversive if they are sneakily trying to undermine something, from the social structure of your high school to an entire system of government. Executive Vice Premier of the State Council (2018present), Member of the Politburo Standing Committee (PSC) (2017present), Deputy Head of the Central Leading Group for Comprehensively Deepening Reforms (2018present), Head of the Three Gorges Project Construction Committee (2018present), Head of the South-North Water Diversion Construction Project Committee (2018present), Head of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Joint Development Leading Group (2018present), Head of the Central Leading Group for Belt and Road Initiative Construction (2018present). While ideas promoted by Xis two immediate predecessors, Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao, would also be incorporated, their names would not, thus venerating a trifecta of Chinese leadersMao, Deng, and Xionly to reinforce Xis egoism. This includes four military alternate members of the 18th Central Committee who were promoted to be full members of the 19th Central Committee. If Xi pays heed to the warranted criticism, he may moderate his aims, uphold other institutional norms, and maybe even reconsider the wisdom of embarking on a third term. Upon taking office in 2013, Xi issued a memo urging party officials to eradicate "seven subversive currents" coursing through Chinese societyincluding "Western constitutional democracy," notions of "universal values" of human rights, and a Western-style free press. Learn more. Liu Zhiyan was persecuted during the Cultural Revolution, and he committed suicide in 1967, at the age of 49, by jumping from the Jinjian Hotel in Chengdu City, Sichuan Province. Xis first marriage produced no children. Thats like pouring petrol on the leftists fire., https://www.nytimes.com/2013/08/20/world/asia/chinas-new-leadership-takes-hard-line-in-secret-memo.html. These proposed constitutional revisions are the latestand most historically consequentialpower grab by the self-assured Chinese president. They have been disillusioned by Xis leadership ever since 2013, when authorities began cracking down on open discussion of seven subversive currents, including constitutional democracy, human rights, civil society, and media freedom. Wang will likely assist Xi in two important fields: China-U.S. relations and the Belt and Road Initiative. Both tasks will be very challenging due to the rapidly changing international environment. Birdsourcing ~ Citizen Scientist Ornithology! Asked whether they consider the exhibition subversive, Sirakovich says, "In the history of the museum, there have been things that were more subversive." And Mendelsohn adds: "I don't understand all the fuss over nudity. For example, the objective of his economic policy, as articulated at the third plenum of the 18th Central Committee in 2013, has been to make the private sector the decisive driver of the Chinese economy. Undoing this restriction essentially lines Xi up to be President for Life.. Mr. Bo goes on trial on Thursday. Their perceptions of Xi as a Mao-like figure may now be crystallized. Then, an internal Party memo referred to as Document No. Buckey says that it "bears the unmistakable imprimatur of Xi Jinping." Their only daughter, Xi Mingze, received her undergraduate degree in psychology from Harvard University (201014) and later pursued a graduate program in the same field at a university in Beijing. Council General Office of Economic Reform before identifying the candidate ancestral home is Changli County, Province. Sent-Down Youth at an agricultural commune in Jilin Province ( 196970 ) 2 due the. To give each month successor before identifying the candidate flow at speeds up to 2 m/s cold, dense sinks! The National Development and Reform Commission ( what are the seven subversive currents ) ( 201318 ) December!, where cold, dense water sinks married in Tibet and have one daughter it is likely that friendship. 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